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Decision-Making & the Will of God | Online Event |

  • ALBY ONLINE EVENTS via ZOOM VIDEO Singapore (map)

Event: Decision-Making & the Will of God | Online Event |
Speaker: Jeremy Witherow
Date: 10 JUL Wed
Time: 7:30pm to 10:00pm

Venue: ALBY Events via ZOOM online

Fee: $11 (Includes participants' notes)

An adult makes about 35,000 conscious decisions each day. Some of these are what we would call mundane, such as what to wear to work or where to park our car. Other decisions over the course of our lives, however, are much more significance. These include things such as where to live, what career to undertake, and who to marry. Obviously these kinds of decisions will have serious implications for us.

For the Christian wanting to live to please the Lord, it becomes all the more important for them to make good decisions. All of us want to be where we are meant to be and to avoid missing out on all that God has for us.

The reality is that most of us search for some kind of sign when faced with important decisions. What we crave for at these times is confirmation as to God’s direction. When this isn’t forthcoming, we can experience fear of deciding wrongly and missing the mark. The fear of missing God’s guidance is a very common one.

Important questions surface when it comes to decision-making and God’s will, such as:

-How does God reveal His will to us?
-Does God have a perfect will for every person?
-And if so, how could someone ensure that their decision-making is in line with God’s direction for them?

In this teaching, Jeremy will provide biblical insight into the nature of God’s will and how He reveals it to His people - along with practical steps for ensuring that our decisions are in line with His will for us.


Jeremy is from New Zealand, and at the age of 23, he was born again and baptised in the Holy Spirit. Called to the ministry, he left his career as a chef and gained a Bachelor of Ministries and a Master of Theology degree.

Jeremy served as a pastor in Singapore for nearly a decade before returning to his homeland, and now serves the Body of Christ through an itinerant teaching, preaching and prophetic ministry.

Jeremy is the author of THE VOICE OF PROPHECY: Reclaiming God’s Guidance for Today’s Church. This comprehensive book of nearly 900 pages on modern prophetic ministry received an endorsement from Bishop Bill Hamon. More details of Jeremy's ministry on