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The Deceptive Influence of Modern Music | ZOOM Online Event |

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Event: The Deceptive Influence of Modern Music | ZOOM ONLINE EVENT |
Speaker: Jeremy Witherow
Date: 26 JUNE Wed
Time: 7:30pm to 10:00pm *+8hrs GMT

Venue: ALBY Events via online ZOOM Video

Fee: $11 (includes participants notes)

Music is so much a part of our lives. We are constantly exposed to its influences on a daily basis. Loud beats, clever melodies, catchy lyrics, all draw us into its arena and reinforce what behaviourists have always known: music is powerful. Its influence has a profound effect—to impact hearts and minds—whether for good or for bad.

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato recognised the power of music when he said, “when the music changes, the walls of the city shake.” Music is more powerful than any drug, for it has the capacity to steer culture itself and influence shared values and behaviours.

It’s hardly surprising then that Satan seeks to control the secular music industry in order to erode morality and shape lives for his purposes. As Christians, we need to be aware of this and of the negative impact a lot of modern music has on us. This goes beyond song lyrics and concerns the ‘spiritual dimension’ of music, requiring that we are both biblically and spiritually discerning with the kinds of music we listen to.

Topics covered include:

The Historical Roots of Modern Music

An Examination of the Power of Music

The Spiritual Dimension of Music

The Occultic Dimension of Modern Music

The Sexual Dimension of Modern Music

The Need for Discernment

 Jeremy’s presentation will especially benefit music aficionados, youth and youth-workers, parents with teens and pre-teens, as well as those who wish to better understand the modern music industry.  

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Jeremy is from New Zealand, and at the age of 23, he was born again and baptised in the Holy Spirit. Called to the ministry, he left his career as a chef and gained a Bachelor of Ministries and a Master of Theology degree.

Jeremy served as a pastor in Singapore for nearly a decade before returning to his homeland, and now serves the Body of Christ through an itinerant teaching, preaching and prophetic ministry.

Jeremy is the author of THE VOICE OF PROPHECY: Reclaiming God’s Guidance for Today’s Church. This comprehensive book of nearly 900 pages on modern prophetic ministry received an endorsement from Bishop Bill Hamon. More details of Jeremy's ministry on