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Israel: Focus of History & Bible Prophecy | Online Event |

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Title: Israel: Focus of History & Bible Prophecy | Online Event |

Speaker: Wan Lai Meng

Date: 25 JUNE Tue

Time: 7:30pm to 10:00pm

Venue: ALBY Events via ZOOM Online

Fee: $11

$16 (includes Wan's book ISRAEL A LIGHT UNTO THE NATIONS  + postage)

A strange thing happened since the October 7th 2023 Hamas' massacre of Jews in southern Israel. Given just a few days any world sympathy for Israel evaporated; now replaced by hatred for Israel and Jews worldwide. The fires of anti-Semitism, never extinguished even after the Holocaust, but just dormant, exploded with a volcanic fury for all to see.

Why is there is so much hatred for Israel and the Jews?

Why did God bring the Jews back to their ancient homeland, Israel, on May 14th 1948?  Of all times in history since the destruction of Israel in 70 A.D by Rome (again in 135 A.D), a lapse of nearly 2,000 years, God resurrected Israel.

There are three questions the Christian seeking understanding of the times must ask and answer honestly:
1. Does Israel still matter to God?
2. Does Israel matter to you?
3. Why?

These are fundamental issues. If your answer to the first is negative then your response to the second is obvious, and the third is irrelevant.

The majority of Christians in many churches these days are sadly ensconced in Replacement Theology, or Supersessionism. This doctrine teaches that the Church is the "New Israel" or "Spiritual Israel": the Church succeeds Israel as the new people of God. It flows through one's entire worldview of history, thought, and logic.

A more pernicious trend of thought is that because Israel rejected Jesus Christ at His First Coming, God has rejected Israel. This thinking reduces God to the human level of logic; of a vengeful and vindictive Deity.

But God  is a keeper of covenants, the true Promise Keeper. He made unconditional and unilateral promises (covenants) to Abraham, reaffirmed to Isaac, and Jacob: as well as to David: a perpetual dynasty (a Davidic Throne) to be ruled by a descendant of David. We know Him as Jesus, our Saviour.

Paul reiterated God's faithfulness to his people, Israel, in Romans 9-11. Yet eminent Bible scholars with titles to their names insist God has no further purpose for Israel since the Church.

There is just one simple reason God's resurrected Israel on May 14th 1948: to bring in the Age of the Kingdom, the Millennial Reign of Jesus on Earth. The Kingdom of God is coming next after the Age of Grace (Church).

God's plan is to take this fallen world back from Satan since the Fall of the First Adam. Jesus came as the Last Adam to fulfil this goal. First, to deal with the Sin problem, then Satan, the Usurper. Satan cannot stop it, but he fights to the last and hates his "retirement" plan.

But God knows ALL things. He does ALL things well. Israel paves the entrance for Jesus to rule planet Earth, and the Universe! Yes, Israel exists to bring back Jesus our Lord! Looking at the world, at its insane immorality, its desire for world government, its hatred of God, and Israel;  Jesus second coming must be close!

About Wan Lai Meng

Born and educated in Singapore, Wan Lai Meng moved to Perth, Australia with his family in 1998. For nearly 30 years he held senior executive positions in several multi-national companies. He became a born-again Christian in 1986, and served in various capacities in the church in Singapore.

 After taking up seminary studies to improve his understanding of the Bible and to minister more effectively in his church, he decided to exit the business world to focus more intensely on the study of God's Word, the Bible, in 1997. Now ministering in small groups he is involved in preaching and teaching in both Singapore and Perth, Australia.

He has spent the last ten years in an intensive study of the Bible and has developed a great love for Israel and the Jewish people. Out of which led him to writing the book ISRAEL A LIGHT UNTO THE NATIONS to illuminate the Church's understanding of Israel and to support and pray for her.