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Putting on the Armour of GOD in Spiritual Warfare | Online Event |

  • ALBY ONLINE EVENTS via ZOOM VIDEO Singapore (map)

Event: Putting on the Armour of GOD in Spiritual Warfare | Zoom Online |
Speaker: Jeremy Witherow
Date: 14 JUNE Tue
Time: 7:30pm to 10:00pm Singapore *GMT 1130hrs

Venue: ALBY Events via online ZOOM Video

Fee: $10 (Includes participants' notes)

The Christian life is lived on a battlefield. What we find to be true – from personal experience and the testimony of Scripture – is that our life is one of continual conflict with unseen powers of wickedness arrayed in the heavenlies. These powers manifest through entities aligned to the kingdom of darkness – whose objective is our defeat and our demise.

As terrifying as this sounds, God has a battle-strategy for our victory. This is outlined by the apostle Paul, who instructed early Christians to “put on the full armour of God” so they could overcome the evil workings of “the devil’s schemes” (Eph. 6:10).

Paul uses “the armour of God” as an analogy for alerting us to the reality of spiritual warfare, as well as to instruct us on God’s provision for our protection. Each item of God’s armour represents a ‘virtue’ we must embody, which together position us for victory. The truth is, we won’t survive the enemy’s attacks without God’s protective armour, nor will we be equipped to serve Him.

In this teaching, Jeremy will provide us with a biblical commentary on the reality of spiritual warfare, the nature of God’s armour, as well as providing us with a timely application for appropriating it. In doing so, he will equip us to nullify “the devil’s schemes” and quench his “flaming arrows” so we would emerge victorious.

Topics covered, include:

The Nature and Reality of Spiritual Warfare
Signs and Hallmarks of Spiritual Attack
The Six Items of God’s Armour
Appropriating and Growing in the Strength of God’s Armour
The Supplementary Grace of Prayer
And many more!


Jeremy is from New Zealand, and at the age of 23, he was born again and baptised in the Holy Spirit. Called to the ministry, he left his career as a chef and gained a Bachelor of Ministries and a Master of Theology degree.

Jeremy served as a pastor in Singapore for nearly a decade before returning to his homeland, and now serves the Body of Christ through an itinerant teaching, preaching and prophetic ministry.

Jeremy is the author of THE VOICE OF PROPHECY: Reclaiming God’s Guidance for Today’s Church. This comprehensive book of nearly 900 pages on modern prophetic ministry received an endorsement from Bishop Bill Hamon. More details of Jeremy's ministry on