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Defending the Faith: Evolution vs Creation (Online Event)

  • ALBY Events via online ZOOM Video Singapore (map)

Event Title: Defending the Faith: Evolution vs Creation (Online Event)
Speaker:  Yap Pao Jui
Date:  11 JUNE Sat
Time: 1:00pm – 5:30pm Singapore GMT 05OOhrs
Venue: ALBY Online Events via ZOOM Video
FEE: $15

In many surveys conducted in the US more than 85% doubted the Bible by the time a person is in middle and high school. The key reason is the creation account and the age of the earth.

Is the Bible consistent with science?

Are we able to reconcile both the creation and flood account with science?

This session will attempt to help one to understand the Bible in the context of the latest scientific discoveries by distilling the salient points into layman's language so that all could understand. For more technical minded participants, there will be references for more detailed understanding.

The session will cover topics including the big bang theory, creation and age of the universe and earth, archaeological and geological findings on evolution and the missing link.

About the Speaker

Pao-Jui received his Master in Business Administration in Computer Information System and General Management from Northern Arizona University in the USA. He graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

His spiritual journey started in secondary school. After two decades of studying the major religions, he had, through a process of elimination, found truth in Christianity. He was baptized in 1994 and worships at RiverLife Church. He has written the book UNLOCKING BIBLE MYSTERIES.