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The Russian Invasion of Ukraine and the Gog-Magog War (Online Event)

  • ALBY Events via online ZOOM Video Singapore (map)

Event: The Russian Invasion of Ukraine and the Gog-Magog War (Online Event)
Date: 26 APR Tue
Time: 7:30pm – 10:00pm (GMT 11:30hrs)

VENUE: ALBY Events via online ZOOM Video

Fee: $10 or
$30 (includes WAN’S book ISRAEL: A LIGHT UNTO NATIONS valued at $25)
* Choose your preferred fee options             

This talk is a repeat of Wan's Alby talk on Mar 22 with minor updates.

It's over two months since Putin invaded Ukraine on February 24th. The Russian army that was expected to sweep into Ukraine easily has been thwarted by fierce Ukrainian resistance. It's clear Putin's war on Ukraine has failed miserably, and now Putin's Russian army is resorting to long-ranged missile attacks. In response to Putin's barbarism, Russia has incurred huge backlash from the Free World, and now is isolated as a pariah state. Putin once told an anecdote of the danger of a cornered rat. Putin is increasingly looking like a cornered "rat." Still things are in a state of flux and can change rapidly. So how do we make any sense of this war?

As a student of Bible prophecy, the question is: What has this war to do with prophecy of the last days, especially the war described in Ezekiel 38-39? Russian, Turkish, and Iranian forces are already stationed in Syria since 2011 as a result of the Syrian civil war. By connecting these nations with the actors named in Ezekiel 38-39 we can understand Bible prophecy. What's Putin's next move? He's gambled and lost heavily by invading Ukraine. The Russian army has been shown as incompetent, and poorly led. Putin's aura of invincibility, might and power has been diminished. What would a "cornered rat" do next? How will Putin respond to the failure of this war? Where would he look to, for an opportunity to redeem a modicum of lost prestige? A failed military leader is a danger at home and abroad.

The question is: Who is Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, & Tubal, and the other nations described in Ezekiel 38-39 in the invasion of Israel? Russia is now hostile to Israel's attacks on Iranian forces in Syria, and refutes Israel's claim to the Golan Heights. The current Israel government led by Naftali Bennett is very weak & fragile, likely to disintegrate. Interestingly an Islamic prophecy floated by Iranian clerics (and propagated by mosques in Israel) believes that Israel will cease to exist by July 8th 2022. This has led to a surge in terrorism in Israel. Henry Kissinger too was famously reported in 2012 to have said that Israel will cease to exist in 10 years. In the meantime the Biden administration which is hostile to Israel seems to be paving the path for Iran to obtain nuclear weapons.

We are living in very interesting times: a time of confluence of world events pointing to fulfilment of Biblical prophecy as significant as Israel's resurrection in 1948 (War of Independence); & her recovery of Jerusalem in the Six-Day War of 1967.


Born and educated in Singapore, Wan Lai Meng moved to Perth, Australia with his family in 1998. For nearly 30 years he held senior executive positions in several multi-national companies. He became a born-again Christian in 1986, and served in various capacities in the church in Singapore.

 After taking up seminary studies to improve his understanding of the Bible and to minister more effectively in his church, he decided to exit the business world to focus more intensely on the study of God's Word, the Bible, in 1997. Now ministering in small groups he is involved in preaching and teaching in both Singapore and Perth, Australia.

He has spent the last ten years in an intensive study of the Bible and has developed a great love for Israel and the Jewish people. Out of which led him to writing the book ISRAEL A LIGHT UNTO THE NATIONS to illuminate the Church's understanding of Israel and to support and pray for her.