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Event: THE FEASTS OF THE LORD (Online Event)
Speaker: David Silver
Date: 13 OCT Thu
Time: 7:30pm – 10:00pm *GMT 1130hrs

VENUE: ALBY Events via online ZOOM Video

Fee: $10

Why Christians Should Keep the Feasts
- they are the Feasts of the LORD - His appointed times
- GOD instructed the Israelites to keep His Feasts forever
- Christians are grafted into Israel Romans 11:17 Eph 2:19

Overview of the 7 Feasts Shabbat
- Passover
- Unleavened Bread
- Firstfruits

- Shavuot
- Feast of Shofars
- Yom Kippur
- Feast of Tabernacles

In Depth teaching about the Feast of Tabernacles
- the LORD dwelt with His people in the desert
- it is the Feast of ingathering of the harvest
- it is a prophetic picture of the End Times and Yeshua reigning in Jerusalem for 1000 years
- Ends with Simchat Torah - picture of New Heavens and Earth

About David Silver

David Silver is the founder/director of OUT OF ZION Ministries. His wife Josie and their two sons Stefan and Jordan, were born In Auckland, New Zealand. David’s heritage is from the tribe of Levi. Josie was born-again in 1986 and David soon followed in 1987. Very soon after his salvation,David discovered the true meaning of being a Messianic Jew. Late in 1991, David sensed the Holy Spirit directing him to uproot his family and immigrate to Israel.

The Silver family live on Mt. Carmel and are members of Carmel Assembly. David is the founder/ director of OUT of ZION Ministries. David has been strongly involved in Jewish evangelism. In 1995 David and Josie travelled to Moscow to participate in an outreach to the Jewish residents of that city. Then followed similar events in Moldova and Latvia. While in Latvia, the Lord spoke to David and placed the vision for OUT of ZION firmly in his heart.

The vision is to fulfil the scripture in Isaiah 2:3 For Out of Zion shall go forth the Law and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem; to fulfill God’s call on Israel as His Chosen Nation to be a light to the nations. Within a few weeks of establishing OUT of ZION Ministries, David and a fellow Jewish evangelist were organising Jewish outreach festivals in the Russian cities of Samara and Murmansk, and later in Kazakastan, Khyrgestan and Uzekistan.

As they travelled the vast distances and encountered many difficulties working in the former USSR the Lord again spoke to David and showed him that He had in fact called the Gentiles to assist Him in bringing the Jewish people back to Israel and that it was His plan for the Church to provoke the Jewish people to return to their God. (Romans 11:11)

David continues to have a strong vision for Jewish evangelism, but has also embarked on a course of endeavoring to teach the Church about her Jewish roots and her relationship and responsibility to Israel and the Jewish people, and the significance of current events in the Middle East to the end time events of the Bible.