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How to Prepare Financially & Spiritually for what is Left of Our Lives | Online Event |

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Event: How to Prepare Financially & Spiritually for what is Left of Our Lives | Zoom Online Event |

Speaker: David Holdaway

Date & Time: 26 MAR Wed | 7:30 - 10:00pm | *GMT +8hrs

Venue: ZOOM Online

Fee: $11

$38 (includes book “Money & Spiritual Warfare” + postage)

$38 (includes book “Never Enough” + postage)

$33 (includes book “How To Know the Will of God” + postage)

"Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90.12

This is some of the greatest advice you will ever be given whatever age you are. The average life expectancy in  the UK is now around 82 years  depending which region you live in. In 1950 the average was around 67.  In Singapore today the average age for life expectancy is around 84 and in 1950 it was just 60.

Of course some will live longer and others less but only a small number make it into the 90s and beyond. Globally the average life expectancy is around 73 years. This is not to be morbid or fearful but simply to recognise that we will one day leave this life and give an account before God.

Therefore we want to make the most of what we have left and if we are a Christian we can look forward to what is ahead because the best is still to come.

In these talks we will look at how we can live life in all it's fullness now and prepare  for life before death and after it. We will look at the diffetent stages of life and how to make the most that God has given us:

# how money and finance can affect our lives and eternity and how we need to handle it properly and use it wisely in preparing for what is to come.

#how God has written down all our days in His book before one of them came to be (Psalm 139) and how our times are in His hands (Psalm 31).

#how we can declare God's provision and life into our lives and live  in His blessing everyone one of those days.

We will learn how to rebuke the spirit of poverty and premature death and proclaim the Spirit of life into our lives.

About the speaker

David Holdaway has been a minister with the Elim Pentecostal Church UK since 1982 and has a powerful Apostolic Teaching ministry. He has pastored churches in England, Wales and Aberdeen in Scotland where David and his wife Jan saw the church grow extensively with satellite churches, a ministry to the homeless and running successful city conferences.

He has ministered in Asia, Africa, South America and Europe and has a powerful ministry teaching on topics such as issues of the heart, healing, deliverance and Kingdom finance. He has written more than 20 books, a number of which have been translated into several languages. David and Jan live and minister out of South Wales and have a heart and passion for Revival and encouraging people to seek personal and national revival. They are on the leadership team of Love Wales, a ministry to re-evangelise Wales.

From July 2016 to May 2017 David took on the role of Principal of the Bible College of Wales in Swansea before returning to writing, traveling and publishing. To know more about his ministry and b ooks, please visit