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PORNOGRAPHY: Understanding the Problem & Escaping Its Snare | Online Event |

  • ALBY ONLINE EVENTS via ZOOM VIDEO Singapore (map)

Event: PORNOGRAPHY: Understanding the Problem & Escaping Its Snare | ZOOM EVENT |
Speaker: Jeremy Witherow
Date: 25 JUL Thu
Time: 7:30pm to 10:00pm *GMT +8hrs

Venue: ALBY Events via online ZOOM Video

Fee: $11 (Includes participants' notes)

Our world is under siege by a pandemic much worse than any virus, known as “pornography.” This virus is transmitted via cyberspace and crosses every demographic. It has the ability to overthrow even the strongest among us—men and women alike.

The porn problem isn’t a secular one. Statistics in the Church mirror those outside the Church. And although it’s a problem that’s not going away, most leaders aren’t willing to talk about it. But ignoring the problem isn’t the answer, as uncomfortable as discussing it may be.

What makes pornography so insidious is its ‘addictive’ quality. Like a drug, the gratifying neurochemicals released from the ‘porn hit’ make it difficult to quit, leading to compulsive use. Over time, the brain is ‘rewired’ until lust becomes a motivating force in the addicts’ life.

The grim reality is that pornography has infected the masses with devastating consequences. Not only does it erode relational intimacy, which leads to divorce, but Christians caught in its grip suffer ‘silently’ with unending defeat and depression. Instead of joy in Christ, their portion is the burden of guilt and shame. Most are at a loss to know what to do—believing this is the life they are destined to.

But there is a way of escape.

Through vital teaching for the Church, Jeremy will expose the dangers of pornography and provide biblical answers for how we can avoid this temptation, and how those caught in its grip can overcome it.

This session will also benefit those wanting to understand the nature of the porn pandemic, as well as parents who are concerned for their children and teens. It will also give answers to frontline ministry workers, forced to deal with the fallout.


Jeremy is from New Zealand, and at the age of 23, he was born again and baptised in the Holy Spirit. Called to the ministry, he left his career as a chef and gained a Bachelor of Ministries and a Master of Theology degree.

Jeremy served as a pastor in Singapore for nearly a decade before returning to his homeland, and now serves the Body of Christ through an itinerant teaching, preaching and prophetic ministry.

Jeremy is the author of THE VOICE OF PROPHECY: Reclaiming God’s Guidance for Today’s Church. This comprehensive book of nearly 900 pages on modern prophetic ministry received an endorsement from Bishop Bill Hamon. More details of Jeremy's ministry on