Event: How to Share the GOSPEL so that others will Listen | Online Event |
Speaker: Hubert Chan
Date: 17 APR Mon
Time: 7:30pm to 9:30pm *GMT +8hrs
VENUE: ALBY Events via ZOOM online
FEE: $11
We want to share the gospel but often hit roadblocks.
Come and hear Hubert's teaching on how to effectively communicate the Good News to those we live and work with and others whom we come into contact within our everyday life.
About Hubert Chan
Hubert Chan, with Southeast Asia Prayer Centre founded by Mark Geppert (author of Attack Lambs :Prayer that Changes the World), heard the call to go to the nations in 1990. He has more than 25 years experience as a missionary and been to more than 20 countries.
He was based in Laos and then Cambodia but is now back in Singapore owing to the pandemic.