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Living & Serving in the Last Days | Zoom Event |

  • ALBY Events via online ZOOM Video Singapore (map)

Event Title: Living & Serving in the Last Days | ZOOM Event |
Speaker:  Colin Mitchell
Date:  23 FEB Thu
Time: 7:30pm – 9:30pm
VENUE: ALBY Online Events via ZOOM Video
FEE: $11

By common consent among ministers and believers in Yeshua/Jesus, we are living in the Last Days. We are uniquely blessed to be those whom our Lord identified in these wonderful words ‘Blessed are those who have not seen (that is all of us) and yet have believed.’ (John 20:29)

We will explore the challenges and issues that face all believers as we seek to glorify God together while navigating through very stormy conditions.

Colin has the privilege and challenge of living and serving in ministry in Israel since making Aliyah from the UK nearly 15 years ago. Israel is considered to be God’s timepiece for Last Days scenarios.

About the Speaker

Colin Mitchell was brought up in a Jewish family in London's East End, and along with his wife Helen, made aliyah (immigrated) to Israel in 2009. He currently serves in the leadership team of Kehilat HaCarmel. He is a gifted preacher and teacher, while having a pastor’s and father's heart.

Colin's calling includes ministering internationally, taking God's word to bless and encourage believers around the world, while providing a clear and balanced perspective on what is happening in Israel and the Middle East. Colin is a spiritual father to many, and with Helen, has adopted two beautiful children. Colin is also the father of two young adults who live in the UK and has recently become a grandfather. In 2012, Colin authored "Let's Go Up To Jerusalem," a contemporary commentary on the Psalms of Ascent.