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  • ALBY Events via online ZOOM Video Singapore (map)

Speaker: Dr Leslie Lim
Date: 16 MAR Thu
Time: 7:30pm – 9:30pm *GMT +8hrs
Venue: ALBY Events via online ZOOM Video

Fee: $11
$35 (includes Dr Leslie's “DEPRESSION: The Misunderstood Illness” book worth $30)
$35 (includes Dr Leslie's “VICTORIOUS LIVING in a depressed world” book worth $30)
* Choose your preferred fee options             

Depression is the most common psychiatric illness to afflict mankind.

It typically develops during late teenage and early adulthood years, thus depriving sufferers of their ability to pursue their education, work, or live meaningful lives. Depression in the young, in adults and in the elderly will be described.

A significant percentage of depressed individuals kill themselves. The causes of depression include interrelationships between and biological, psychological, and social factors. Life events contribute to and may worsen the symptoms of the disorder.

The good news is, depression is treatable and effective established strategies to defeat the condition are available. The sooner a person with depression seeks help, the sooner they can recover.

Come & be informed and have your questions answered by Dr Leslie.

About the Speaker

Dr Leslie Lim is a Senior Consultant Psychiatrist, a Clinical Associate Professor and an Adjunct Associate Professor at two leading universities in this nation. He was also the past president of the Singapore Association for Mental Health. After completing his medical studies at the University of Singapore, he trained in psychiatry in London, United Kingdom, and was conferred Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

He has authored 11 books and book chapters, the 5 most popular being “Mental Illness or Demonisation? Similarities and Differences” ,“Freedom from Fear”, “Depression: the misunderstood illness”, “Confronting Your Anxiety: a Biblical Approach to Overcoming Fear and Worry” and Victorious Living in a Depressed World.