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End Times & the Kingdom of God | Online Event |

  • ALBY Events via online ZOOM Video Singapore (map)

Event: End Times & the Kingdom of God | Online Event |
Speaker: Lim Eng Hoe
Date: 15 NOV Wed
Time: 7:30pm – 10:00pm *GMT +8hrs
Venue: ALBY Events via online ZOOM Video

Fee: $13 (includes Eng Hoe's book THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM + postage )

Many think of the end times only in terms of eschatology: it’s the when and what questions : When will Jesus return? Will there be a rapture? Or no rapture? Or the rapture coincides with the Second Coming? If there is a rapture, will it be before, or during, or after, the tribulation? Are we already in the millennium?

Eng Hoe has often been asked these questions. His answer has always been : The disciples also asked Jesus when He would return, and in response Jesus said, “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:7-8

To paraphrase Jesus, He told them, “It’s not your business to know when. Instead, get on with the work I have entrusted to you to do. Don’t waste time speculating and arguing when it will happen.” Similarly, about the rapture and millennium.

In the light of what Jesus told His disciples and since Rev. 11:15 has already told us the final thing that will happen on planet earth is the restoration of God’s Kingdom on earth, what does God expect us to do in the run up to that global reset/restoration?

Before the end comes, the world has to be confronted with the Kingdom of God. Will they come back into God’s Kingdom or remain kings of their own kingdoms? (Lk.19:27).

But what is the Kingdom of God? Can the world see what it is? God is waiting for us to show the world what that is (Matt.24:14). Jesus prophesied that we will fulfil the Kingdom mandate that God had originally given to Israel (Matt.21:43).

About the Speaker

Eng Hoe was in legal practice in Malaysia for 10 years until 1994 when God opened his eyes to see that the good news is the good news of the Kingdom of God, and that God’s Kingdom is for here and now. Not about escaping this world to go to heaven.

Since then he has been working among the poor and teaching the Kingdom of God and giving training in many nations.

He is the author of 3 books on the Kingdom of God.