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  • ALBY ONLINE EVENTS via ZOOM VIDEO Singapore (map)

Speaker: Jeremy Witherow
Date: 29 SEP Wed
Time: 7:30pm to 10:00pm

Venue: ALBY Events via online ZOOM Video

Fee: $10 (Includes participants' notes)

The issue of “discernment” is one of vital importance to the Christian life –given the range of competing voices spoken both inside and outside the Church. What has made this all the more urgent, is the ease with which we can access any number of sermons and teachings online. But how would we know whether these are ‘spiritually safe’ or not?

Sadly, a lot of what passes for biblical teaching and preaching in the Church today bears little resemblance to the same spoken in the early Church. The rise in celebrity Christianity and the demand for entertaining and soothing messages promising prosperity and success, has often blurred the truth of the Gospel and has failed to produce disciples whose focus is Christ.

A barrier to accurately discerning what is biblically truthful is our own human tendency to gravitate towards teaching and preaching we find most appealing. However, in the process, often we have neglected to evaluate what we have heard along scriptural lines. It might also be that we don’t know how to do this.

Jesus and His apostles have already warned us in advance of the tidal rise of false teachers and prophets during these last days who would contend for what is true. To this end, they have provided us with vital teaching for how to identify these individuals—so we might walk in truth and close our ears to every counterfeit voice.

In his teaching, Jeremy will provide us with insights and keys for how we might identify error within the Church, as well as helping us to grow in spiritual discernment and biblical wisdom during these perilous times.

Topics covered, include:

Defining “Discernment”
The Dangers of Subjectivity
Discerning Ministry Pride
Manipulation & Dogmatism
Discerning False Teachers & Prophets
Pick-And-Choose Theology
The Spiritual Gift of Discernment
‘Testing the Spirits’
Four Requirements for Growing in Spiritual Discernment



Jeremy is from New Zealand, and at the age of 23, he was born again and baptised in the Holy Spirit. Called to the ministry, he left his career as a chef and gained a Bachelor of Ministries and a Master of Theology degree.

Jeremy served as a pastor in Singapore for nearly a decade before returning to his homeland, and now serves the Body of Christ through an itinerant teaching, preaching and prophetic ministry.

Jeremy is the author of THE VOICE OF PROPHECY: Reclaiming God’s Guidance for Today’s Church. This comprehensive book of nearly 900 pages on modern prophetic ministry received an endorsement from Bishop Bill Hamon. More details of Jeremy's ministry on