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  • ALBY EVENTS #05-09 111 North Bridge Road, Peninsula Plaza Singapore, 179098 Singapore (map)
Father Heart Of God Part1.jpg

Speaker: Kenny Tan
Date & Time: 20 Sep Fri 7:30 - 10:00pm
                       21 Sep Sat 9:30am - 5:30pm

Venue: ALBY EVENTS #05-09
               111 North Bridge Road, Peninsula Plaza #05-09 (City Hall MRT)
              (Parking available at Capitol Piazza. $3 per entry after 6pm)

Fee: $60 ($50 for payment by 18 Sep) Includes $10 voucher for purchase

Our Heavenly Father
I have heard many sermons on our glorious Lord Jesus. He is the compassionate Lord who heals the broken, defends the helpless, forgives the sinner, and cleanses the lepers. Concerning the Holy Spirit, He is introduced as “our Helper,” or as “our Counselor” and “our Comforter.”

But what is your impression of the first Person of the Trinity? Is the Father an angry Judge who is eager to punish His disobedient children? Or is He the mysterious Someone living far away in heaven? Do you know the Father intimately? If not, then you have yet to experience the fullness of Jesus’s mission on Earth! Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Jesus came as the way to the Father. He is the way and His Father is the destination!  

In this course, we hope to search the scriptures to discover the glorious love of our Heavenly Father and our bestowed identity as His sons and daughters.

Our Earthly Parents
Our earthly parents have a divine assignment to give us an idea of the Father’s nature
through their own love for us. They serve as an earthly representation of our Father in heaven. Sadly, I often hear of young men swearing that they will never be like their fathers when they grow up.

 Many grow up resentful of their parents, only to discover years later that they turned out exactly or even worse than their fathers. Wounded by their parents, they end up wounding their children. The abused often become abusers themselves. Addictions, Alcoholism, even work-alcoholism, seem to be passed down from one generation to the next, seemingly against their wills.

How do we break this vicious cycle of fear, pain and shame? It must begin with us. Fatherlessness and orphan thinking are not just confined to the world. It shows up even in the Church. It reveals itself when church leaders compete against one another. Youths act like orphans when they reject the wisdom of their elders. Similarly, elders without a fathering heart discourage their zealous youths when they feel their positions of influence being threatened.
In the last days, God is raising up fathers and sons who carry His heart. Overflowing with the Father’s love, they will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers.

Father Heart Workshop (Part 1)

·         Session 1: Prodigal Son

·         Session 2: Our Image of the Father

·         Session 3: Forgiveness of our Earthly Fathers

·         Session 4: Needs of our hearts

·         Session 5: Father’s Pleasure over you

About Kenny Tan
Kenny Tan is the founder of "Freedom in Sonship House" - a ministry that disciples men and women to fulfill God's destinies for their lives.  He is also a full-time missionary trained and equipped in Canada.

Kenny and his wife Amy, have been commissioned to do missions in Asian nations. By ministering effectively in the Father's love, they help broken people experience their glorious Sonship. Over the years, they have trained numerous church leaders to hear God's voice and to move in their spiritual gifts and callings. They are currently based in Cambodia and travel internationally to minister to the Body of Christ. Kenny has also published two books Living the Kingdom Life that has helped churches discover their destiny to establish God's kingdom here on earth. My Sheep Hear My Voice helped many believers recognise and be led by God's voice in their daily lives.