Speaker: Arthur Phua
Date: 20 June
Time: 7:30pm - 10:00pm
111 North Bridge Road, Peninsula Plaza #05-09 (City Hall MRT)
(Parking available at Capitol Piazza. $3 per entry after 6pm)
Fee: $10 (includes $5 voucher for purchase)
The whole Bible is about bringing man back to God, and restoring him to his environment. That is one simplistic view of God’s intention for man. But the realization of that order is fraught with disorder the world has got into. The environment needs a change-over. It is only when we are in Him can we find life, that is spiritual life, to live and move and have our being (Acts 17: 28).
The whole of the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus has this one thing in mind: the recovery of a lost order. We were told that, “by Him, through Him, for Him, and in Him, were all things created” (Col. 1: 16-17); “And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence” (v. 18). You will realize that the Person of Christ is the very embodiment of all the principles of a universal order. He is far too great for our comprehension; even if we spent all our days trying to do so. We can only look at Him from time to time and from particular standpoints.
Disorder came in when Adam succumbed to Satan’s suggestion. Where the Divine order has been violated, there is hindered maturity and a limitation to spiritual insights. For Divine order to be overlooked, violated, ignored or frustrated, is to continue in the loss, the suffering, the disappointment and the despair of creation (Rom. 8:22). The role of the instigator, the father of all disorder; is to keep one from being ‘adopted into sonship’. What could and should have been, and what God intended, has been missed and lost. The Holy Spirit, who is the custodian of the whole purpose of God, is meticulous about order. He will not overlook disorder and is supremely concern in this matter for the Church.
About Arthur Phua
Pastor Arthur’s passion is to see believers “crossover” to understand God’s heart for His children. He also wants to prepare God's people for His Second Coming through the understanding of Eschatology (study of the end times).
Arthur was actively involved in the prison ministry and taught an intensive Bible class in various prisons island-wide from 1994 to 2008.
Pastor Arthur Phua holds a Bachelor of Theology and Masters in Counseling degrees. He is married to Valarie and has a daughter, Abigail. He ran his own business before entering into the ministry. Together with his wife, they have been in the ministry since 1980. They together with 8 others pioneered an outreach and the church Open Hand Christian Fellowship was birthed. He is now the Senior Pastor.