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Significance of Purim & Hanukkah

  • ALBY Events #05-09 111 North Bridge Road, Peninisula Plaza Singapore, 179098 Singapore (map)

Event: Significance of Purim & Hanukkah
Speaker: Wan Lai Meng

Date: 9 Feb
Time: 7:30 to 10:00pm

FEE: $10 (includes $5 voucher)

             111 North Bridge Road, Peninsula Plaza #05-09 (City Hall MRT)
             (Parking available at Capitol Piazza. $3 per entry after 6pm) 

Both these feasts, mentioned in the Bible (Esther 9:32 and John 10:22), are extremely important to the Jews. The events in both feasts signify Israel’s deliverance from hostile Gentile powers.

Purim is celebrated annually marking Jewish deliverance from a planned holocaust by a satanically inspired Prime Minister of Persia, Haman in the 5th century B. C.

Hanukkah celebrates Israel’s deliverance from the Greek Emperor, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who tried to destroy Jewish worship of Yahweh, and replace it with worship of Zeus in the 2nd century B.C. There is a saying, “Christmas is near and so is Hanukkah.” But for the 5th time in the last 100 years Christmas and Hanukkah coincided on the same day in 2016.

The Gentile church has unfortunately ignored the study of both these feasts as it does for the 7 feasts of the Lord mandated in Leviticus 23. Yet, recent events at the United Nations harken eerily to both these events that happened over 2,000 years ago. There is a striking parallel of the U.S.A., once Israel’s staunchest ally and defender at the U.N, and the world’s dominant superpower today, not only betraying Israel, but had become Israel’s foremost enemy stabbing Israel in the back just an hour before Christmas, and Hanukkah 2016.

Christians must understand the implication of U.N Resolution 2334, with a 14-0 vote against Israel at the U.N Security Council condemning Israel’s settlement activities. Obama ignominiously crafted this bill and deliberately withheld its veto to allow passage of this bill. The most vivid Bible prophecy regarding the last days is unfolding before our eyes – Israel alone stand against the world. (Zechariah 12) What can we expect next?

About Wan Lai Meng

Born and educated in Singapore, Wan Lai Meng moved to Perth, Australia with his family in 1998. For nearly 30years he held senior executive positions in several multi-national companies. He became a born-again Christian in 1986, and served in various capacities in the church in Singapore. 

After taking up seminary studies to improve his understanding of the Bible and to minister more effectively in his church, he decided to exit the business world to focus more intensely on the study of God's Word, the Bible, in 1997. 

Now ministering in small groups he is involved in preaching and teaching in both Singapore and Perth, Australia. He has spent the last ten years in an intensive study of the Bible and has developed a great love for Israel and the Jewish people.

Out of which led him to writing the book ISRAEL A LIGHT UNTO THE NATIONS to illuminate the Church's understanding of Israel and to support and pray for her.


Earlier Event: February 8
Later Event: February 11