C2C - NEHEMIAH Bible Study
C2C - NEHEMIAH Bible Study
Nehemiah Bible Study - Principles for life
Selwyn Hughes with Ian Sewter
12/01/17 - This product is currently out of stock. it is due back into stock in April 2017
To try and live life without understanding life's spiritual principles is utter foolishness. Many of those principles are powerfully illustrated in the story of Nehemiah.
However effectively you may be serving the Lord now, the study of Nehemiah will help you serve Him better. How do we react when we see God’s principles disregarded, His walls being broken down? Do our concerns take priority over God’s concerns?
Nehemiah put first things first. So must we. He fulfils his mission to restore people to God and he overcomes intense opposition by a life of prayer. There could hardly be a better role model for us today.