C2C - David Bible study
C2C - David Bible study
David Bible study - A man after God's own heart
Claire Musters
72-page paperback, 148x210mm
ISBN: 978-1-78259-444-4
Old-Testament hero David was a giant-killer, worshipper and became one of Israel’s greatest kings. And yet he was also an adulterer, murderer and pretty poor parent. The Bible reveals it all to us, and there is much that we can glean from both his victories and mistakes that is useful for us today.
This seven-session guide will:
– Explore David’s faithfulness within his ‘apprenticeship years’ and what that teaches us about patience and faith.
– Show how David prioritised well in his early years as king, not caring about the negative opinions of those around him, and teach us how we can learn to fix our eyes on God.
– Look at the honesty with which David expressed his emotions before God and the absolute trust he had in Him.
– Explore the almost child-like delight David took in worshipping God and consider the importance of longing for intimacy with Him.
– Reveal the importance of quick repentance in those moments when we don’t live out our faith well.
– Show how God didn’t make David immune to the consequences of his actions, but still loved him through the dark as well as joyful moments.